Categories, UK
We are looking for outstanding nominees who have innovated, impressed and made a real difference to how the Health Professionals provide care for patients. Nominees could be an individual, a team, or an entire organisation.
Open to up and coming healthcare professionals demonstrating qualities of a bright future. Proactive and progressive in all areas with valid contributions to area of specialty. The individual is expected to be able demonstrate evidence of personal and professional development.
Cutting edge, high impact innovative and creative initiative that have led to improved practice. This include but not limited to care delivery, services and cost effectiveness. It could be in health and life sciences or social care. Must be sustainable and evidence/research based.
Team, group or organisation that demonstrates innovation via projects or initiatives in any setting. Judges will be looking for evidence of how they have significantly contributed to improvement in service provision or health. Evidence should include how the innovation cater for people in hard to reach areas and how it can be widely adopted and scaled.
Open to Nurses and Midwives with demonstrated characteristics of a Leader, change agent and positive role model by consistently contributing and leading improved care, education, training and sustenance. Nominations are welcome from all Nursing and Midwifery specialties from paediatrics to adult, general and specialist nurses including nurse educators.
Individual or team who have positively impacted the future care and treatment of patients through cutting edge, world class research. It can include studies, trials and procedures that have changed practices across board leading to life changing care and treatments for patients, as well as improve education and training for clinical staff. This could be around efficiency and improved productivity, safety and patient outcome. It can be a collaborative project/initiative ranging from small but highly relevant initiative to formal research.
A team or group that have consistently demonstrate and uphold excellence in healthcare through working collaboratively, often going the extra mile to provide exceptional service (s). They must have evidence of substantive contributions enabling their organisation to provide services and care to patients, service users and colleagues.
Healthcare professionals involved in holistic care- physical, emotional and psychological wellbeing. Identifying and implementing care models, support systems for service users, patients and colleagues where relevant. It could be team, an organisation or individual who has delivered service improvement, which benefit wellbeing and reduce health inequality, while nurturing and promoting mental health and wellbeing
This award is open to and will recognise the diverse and vastness of practitioners that fall within the category. Allied Health Professionals play a vital role in the patient’s care pathway as part of the multidisciplinary team both in clinical and social setting. Nominations are welcome from any of the fourteen professions that fall under this category.
We are looking for an outstanding GP who has made a major contribution to the health of their patients either by initiating new services at a local or national level. The judges will be particularly be interested in the evidence that has been generated to show impact and the feedback that has resulted from those that have benefited.
We are looking for instances where an individual /Team have gone beyond the call of duty to offer not just high levels of healthcare but has also been concerned with the social implications especially in disadvantaged groups. We would like to see changes that has been made which will have long-term benefits.
Nominations are welcome from healthcare professionals and organisations who has been proactive in advancing health through digital developments. This could be through communication technologies, innovation in information dissemination or telemedicine.
Team, group or organisation that demonstrates innovation via projects or initiatives in any setting can also enter. Judges will be looking for evidence of how they have significantly contributed to improvement in service provision or health.
Evidence should include how the innovation cater for people in hard to reach areas and how it can be widely adopted and scaled.
This category is open to all healthcare professionals within the patient’s surgical pathway across specialties. This includes Surgeons, Anaesthetists, Medical Licentiates, OR Nurses. Nominees could be team or individual, who have made outstanding contributions to care delivery in the perioperative phase. This could be in the area of service improvement or new initiative incorporating education, collaborative working and positive health outcomes for patients.
This category is open to pharmacists in acute, community setting or enterprise. They must demonstrate outstanding contributions in service to patient’s care, including going beyond and above to support the services with the most innovative and forward thinking approach. An example will be outstanding initiatives that led to better health outcomes. Evidence of positive collaboration with other healthcare providers is also desirable.
Open to teams or organisations that has Diversity, Inclusion and Equity at the core of their mission and vision evident in the structure and support.
This could be through projects, change in culture, policies and practices that have contributed to inclusiveness in the workplace environment, enhance recruitment, advancement and retention within the team or workforce.
This category is open to any individual, team or group in the interventional space that has pioneered innovation, ground breaking research, inspired change in practice or made an outstanding contribution to improve outcomes in international cardiology or radiology procedures. This could also be in the improvement of patient pathway, new initiatives, collaborative working groups.
Notable Dates:
Nominations – 29th April – 21th July 2024
Finalists Announcement – 5th August 2024
Awards Ceremony – Saturday 28th September 2024