About Us

Our Profile

Zenith Global Health stands as a leading force in the realm of global health, committed to fostering connections and driving advancements between the Global South and North. Founded in 2016, the organisation has swiftly grown into a pivotal platform for healthcare professionals, policy makers, and community leaders worldwide, particularly with a focus on Africa.

Our Mission

At Zenith Global Health, our mission is to promote health equity and excellence through a comprehensive array of services that include consulting, training, organizing high-profile events, workforce development, and providing recognition through our prestigious awards program. We strive to bridge the gap between diverse healthcare communities, facilitating the exchange of knowledge, resources, and innovative solutions to improve health outcomes globally.

Our Core Services


We offer expert consulting services tailored to enhance the capabilities and performance of healthcare systems.


Our training programs are designed to empower healthcare professionals with the latest knowledge and skills.


We organise a variety of events that serve as premier platforms for networking, learning, and celebrating healthcare achievements.

Awards and Recognition

Our awards program highlights and celebrates the exceptional contributions of healthcare professionals and organisations worldwide.

Workforce Development

We are dedicated to strengthening the global healthcare workforce by providing professional growth opportunities and supporting continuous education.

Job Board

Our job board connects healthcare professionals with leading employers, fostering opportunities for career advancement and organisational growth.

About Annual Health Awards and Summit

Since 2016, the Annual Health Awards and Summit has been the cornerstone event for Zenith Global Health, bringing together global health leaders to share insights and celebrate excellence.

Highlights of Past Events

2021: Focused on “Resilience and Innovation in Healthcare” amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.

2022: Explored “Building Stronger Health Systems Post-Pandemic.”

2023: Addressed “Advancing Health Equity Through Innovation.”

2024: Upcoming theme – “One Health in Health Equity,” focusing on interconnected health systems and their role in addressing global health challenges.

Notable Recipients

2016: Dr. John Doe for infectious diseases; Team ABC Hospital for emergency services.

2017: Dr. Jane Smith for oncology research; XYZ Health Initiative for public health advocacy.

2018: Global Health Alliance for community health; Dr. Michael Green for rural healthcare.

2019: Dr. Sarah Lee for maternal and child health; Equitable Health Network for reducing disparities.

2020: Dr. Maria Gonzales for COVID-19 leadership; Rapid Response Taskforce for pandemic relief.

2021: Dr. Alex Thompson for telehealth innovations; Global Vaccination Initiative for vaccine distribution.

2022: Dr. Emma White for infectious disease control; Community Health Resilience Project for post-pandemic recovery.

2023: Dr. Liam Chen for digital health technology; Equity in Healthcare Alliance for improving access.

diversity and inclusion

At Zenith Global Health, We Believe In, Encourage And Foster Diversity And Inclusion.

It Is A Known Fact That The Health And Social Care Sector Thrives On Diversity As It Is The Only Way We Are Going To Find Common Ground To Address The Common Challenges We Face.

It Is Therefore Vital For Us To Tap Into The Dimensions It Creates, Embrace The Differences And At The Same Time Recognise The Amazing Things That Are Possible When Woven Into An Organization’ Culture.

It Is One Of The Foundations On Which We ‘Celebrate Excellence In Healthcare And Healthcare Professionals Upholding Excellence Across The Board’.

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