Last year I had the honour of receiving a special recognition award at the inaugural Zenith Global Healthcare Awards and it was a memorable night. The dedication Mary and the team have shown to support our clinical colleagues is commendable and one we fully support.
We face challenging times, or do we? Are we now in a place of opportunity? We have new tools at our disposal to share knowledge like never before and you’ll hear from a true pioneer in modern healthcare Prof Shafi Ahmed this evening about how VR and technology are supporting our health services.
I’d like to wish everyone a fantastic night and your commitment and dedication should be celebrated in style. Now to the reason, we are here this evening and why we do what we do every day? It’s the desire to help others. It’s the passion and reason that we work long hours to help others. Our leadership trait is empathy and compassion. Leaders create more leaders.
I want to share a story. The NHS is an amazing institution and one that my family is grateful for. Imagine you lived outside the UK and a family member was taken unwell. How would they be treated? Think about how lucky we are to have the NHS, and this is why we must work together to support but also strive to develop the NHS model around the world. My reasoning for this is that last year my 4-year-old daughter, Mia, was diagnosed with a Wilms Tumour; she has had 16 chemotherapy treatments since her diagnosis and had her kidney removed. She’s had cancer removed, and now we wait. But we feel lucky and grateful for the treatment we have been able to access. Now, imagine being a father or mother in another nation. The result would be completely different. It’s this that has struck me over the last few weeks as it must be our mission and goal in this digital era to start sharing our knowledge so we can ensure the NHS continues to support children while we help support that knowledge transfer around the world.
The story above is shared as I want us to celebrate and be grateful for what we have and look to the future as a team. Look around you, meet people this evening and plan to meet again so you can share knowledge and begin to develop the networks so we accelerate the learning process.
World Health Innovation Summit is a platform I set up to support our health services while creating community value, and our programmes (WHISkids etc) are now delivering that support to local communities. We are committed to supporting and working with Mary and the Zenith Global Healthcare Awards team – Together, We Inspire.
Gareth Presch, CEO, World Health Innovation Summit, Zenith Global Healthcare Award Winner 2016